Magic Muri with a great big yawn
wakes up as the clock rings dawn,
he rubs his eyes with his paws
lifts his tail and stretches his claws.
He airs the bed and sweeps the floor
goes out for breakfast — closing the door.
Breakfast he eats at The Happy Cow
because they serve the best cat chow.
Leto izida: 2017
Število strani: 24
ISBN/EAN: 9789610144793
Mere izdelka: 21,0 x 26,8 x 9
Vezava: Trda
Datum izida:
Založba: Mladinska knjiga Založba
Ilustrator: Jelka Reichman
Urednik: Irena Matko Lukan
Prevajalec: Lili Potpara, Alan Mcconnell Duff
Zbirka: Velika slikanica