Celje - Citycenter
Contact info
Address: Mariborska cesta 100, 3000 Celje
Telefon: (03) 428 52 66
E-naslov: irena.jelen@mladinska-knjiga.si
Celje - Citycenter
Stationery store
Take a walk among shelves piled high with books from Slovenian and foreign publishers, and seek out classic books, the latest editions or hit what everyone is talking about. Choose everything for the home office. Find everything to fill children's school bags, as well as unique gifts with soul, and quality toys. Shop in a pleasant atmosphere where our professional advisers are always on hand.
Sreča je imeti rad
Igrače, ki jih bodo otroci stiskali vse leto. Knjige, ki pomagajo najti srečo. Najlepša praznična darila za tiste, ki jih imate radi, vas čakajo v naših knjigarnah in na Emka.si.
Velike zgodbe in prikupne malenkosti ...