

On 2 September 2024, Mladinska knjiga Trgovina merged with Mladinska knjiga Založba.

As of the date of the merger, Mladinska knjiga Založba became the universal legal successor of Mladinska knjiga Trgovina.

As a result of the merger, Mladinska knjiga Založba d.d. assumed all the rights and obligations of Mladinska knjiga Trgovina d.o.o., including all the rights and obligations under any contracts or other legally valid forms of agreements entered into by Mladinska knjiga Trgovina d.o.o.

With the merger of Mladinska knjiga Trgovina d.o.o. and Mladinska knjiga Založba d.d., we are developing a single culture for Mladinska knjiga in line with the Modra development strategy, which will enable us to optimise our operations and improve the customer experience by streamlining our business processes.

In line with our values, we continue to centre our efforts on satisfying our business partners, ensuring the highest standards of product and service quality, and creating a community where we celebrate our own success and the success of others.

Information about the company Mladinska knjiga Založba d.d.:
Address: Slovenska cesta 29, 1000 Ljubljana


VAT identification number SI61753181
Registration number 504913000
Responsible person Karmen Pangos, predsednica Uprave
Current accounts SI56 0292 2001 3116 626
  SI56 0400 1004 9649 633
  SI56 3300 0000 2899 709

The current accounts of Mladinska knjiga Trgovina d.o.o. which will continue to be valid after the merger:
SI56 0292 3001 2657 088
SI56 0430 2000 1085 414
SI56 0700 0000 1587 204
SI56 1010 0005 0554 552
SI56 3300 0000 3268 794

After the merger of Mladinska knjiga Trgovina d.o.o. with Mladinska knjiga Založba d.d., the contact persons remained the same.
If you have any questions, please contact us at zdruzitev@mladinska-knjiga.si 

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